Thursday, July 22, 2010


Copy writing is something I love to do. I have a nephew who asked me one day - right out of the blue - would I know of someone who would like to write for his website. He is an SEO expert and for those of you who do not know what that is, it stands for Search Engine Optimization. Anyhow, I replied that how come three of my kids got through high school - obviously I did a LOT of writing and graduated from high school four times over - once for myself and three times for the kids!!!

The rest is history, and to date I have written over 200 articles in under a year. I was not so great in the beginning as I did not get what key words stood for but now I am pretty much old hat at what I do.

I am always looking for more business - so If you are out there looking for someone who can do fantastic original stuff - I am your man (or woman).

If you have anything to add, I am always interested to hear what is what and what's new in the zoo.